A passive component similar to resistors and inductors, capacitors are essential in every electronic device or electric circuit. Manufactured in numerous forms, styles, lengths, girths, and materials, each capacitor comes equipped with at least two electrical conductors known as plates. Commonly referred to as the dielectric layer, capacitors are also paired with a non-conductive insulating layer which can be polarized by an applied electric field. Designed to be discrete, capacitors are diverse components in account for their range when working with different types of capacitance values, working voltage, current handling capacities, and other related properties.
Electrical connectors are a basic building block of countless electrical devices and systems, commonly serving to connect electrical circuits together. Coming in permanent and temporary solutions, such components allow for an ease of product manufacturing and assembly, as well as promote design and modification flexibility. Depending on whether the application is a communications circuit, computer, consumer electronic, or other electrical device, there are numerous connector types that may be used. In this blog, we will provide a brief overview of some of the most common connector types and their uses.
We like to think of new and groundbreaking technology as being something like a new iPhone or a new Boeing commercial jetliner. But, actually, the biggest innovations usually come as a result of the smallest parts. Earlier in September, Anritsu Company, the United States subsidiary of Anritsu Corporation in Japan, introduced a new line of W1 coaxial components. This new family of metrology-grade designed and manufactured components are intended to remove measurement complexity, reduce setup time, and improve accuracy to deliver precision performance and repeatability for high-frequency measurements.
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